New Year’s Eve is coming! (Technically, it ALWAYS is) And 2020 is coming! So we’re busy thinking of some fun New Year’s 2020 designs, some of which play off the whole 20/20 vision thing. We’ve added one new design in the gallery below, but there will be more soon, in theory. (Disclaimer: If it turns out later that it’s like 2024, and we’re still here claiming that it’s almost 2020, please just plug in the appropriate last digit and give us a break! Because our web designer is TERRIBLE. And we think he drinks while he web designs, which accounts for a lot around here 🤔)

If you’re thinking you’d like an ice sculpture at your NYE celebration, book early! Cuz guess what? It’s HARD to get around Nola when everyone is getting ready to party, so we have to be careful that we don’t overbook ourselves when it’s tough moving even a few blocks around the French Quarter and CBD!

If you’re looking for other holiday ice sculptures and somehow got stuck here: Try these galleries: holiday ice, Christmas & Hannukah ice, Halloween, or Mardi Gras ice. There may be more, but if there are, remember our web designer is super lazy, so please lower your expectations

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Hmmm, this some strange Latin 🤔