This is the only artwork we offer that’s guaranteed not to melt! And now, there’s finally a dedicated website for all the ice art that I create: nola ice art! Please take a look at the more extensive gallery of meticulously detailed and painstakingly photographed New Orleans and Louisiana themed ice art that I have there. Plus you can buy prints there too!

The Native American warrior (Ancestral Spirit) and the abstract DNA molecule (beautiful chemistry) prints shown below are from Patrick Endres of Alaska Photo Graphics and you can get prints of them from him. But the ice is ours! Both Ancestral Spirit and beautiful chemistry were competition sculptures; look for more about these sculptures on the BIG ice page.

Look for more action on this page very soon though! I’ve been working a LONG time to get all the pieces in place to create my own brand of fine art and it’s finally happening! As long as I don’t get hit by a truck or have an awful chainsaw accident, there WILL be more! 💀😂

When people see pics like these, a question a I get a lot is how do I add the color? In this gallery, there are only two ingredients: ice and light. What you can’t see, just out of the frame, are how many different lights are aimed at the sculpture. And this is all done in the freezer (or outside, in freezing temperatures), over hours. Adjusting lights and a camera with your bare hands (gloves usually are too bulky) over hours in subzero temps is not the funnest experience. But you forget about the cold if you get something worthwhile. Bringing the right ice and and the right light together can create something almost magical!