What are the most frequently asked questions about ice sculptures? Surely, we’ve missed one or two (or 10!), but here are some of the most common.
How long do ice sculptures last?
Usually, the number we spit out when we hear this question is 4-6 hours. However, this REALLY depends on the sculpture, as well as where we set it up. Bad conditions (sunlight, rain, high humidity, strong airflow, very high temperatures) can dramatically affect the life of an ice sculpture. We do try to compensate for this by finding out in advance where the ice will be set up. Once we know, we’ll design and sculpt accordingly. Sometimes, however, there’s no way to compensate. That’s when we warn you that it’s not going to last very long and maybe you should put it somewhere else!
What does an ice sculpture cost?
If you have to ask, you can’t afford one 😂 Ok, not really! Our site doesn’t have pricing because there are so many variables. For example, we rarely make the same sculptures over and over. And where we’re to deliver the sculpture(s) and our availability also affect pricing. (When we’re already super busy, IF we can create the sculpture, it can cost us more to get a sculpture made and delivered. Which is why you should book as soon as you’re sure you want a sculpture!) But the general guideline we give is that sculptures usually run between $500 and $1000, when all is said and done. However, if it’s larger than a standard size sculpture (like ice bars, etc.), that doesn’t count.
How do they make ice sculptures clear?
To make our ice sculptures clear, we use big 300 lb. blocks of specially made ice. While some of the blocks we make ourselves, others we buy from a super secret source (not really a secret). But the machines that make these ice blocks use a special freezing process so that it eliminates almost all the cloudiness that you see in regular man-made ice. Unfortunately, you can’t easily just make big blocks of clear ice at home. (I used to think you could, way back when!)

One frequently asked question is how come the ice is so clear? First, you have to start with the clearest blocks of ice! (Some blocks are even BETTER than this one!)
What is the point of ice sculptures?
Yeah, I know: what’s the point of a beautiful ice sculpture that’s just going to melt away in a few hours? But then you could ask the same question about any ephemeral art: live music, dance, a play, the list goes on… In most cases, we custom tailor our ice sculptures for special events that only last a few hours, but also for special moments that you might remember for the rest of your life. Honestly, the point of an ice sculpture is often the impression that it makes. When one of your guests sees an ice sculpture for the first time, they’re often amazed that someone could make something so visually stunning from just frozen water! Oh, and sometimes, an ice sculpture will cool down your food or drink too, so it’s win-win 😉
Where can I get the molds that you use for your sculptures?
You can’t. Not because we’re jerks and won’t tell you, but because we never use molds. (Well, almost never. We make some centerpieces and some bowls from molds. They’re the exceptions.) But we carve 99+% of our sculptures from giant 300 lb. blocks of clear ice (and sometimes much larger blocks!) The reason for that is that molded sculptures rarely (as in never?) freeze completely clear. There also aren’t many options because there aren’t many molds. And we customize most of our ice sculptures anyway, making molds useless.
Do you use a chainsaw to sculpt ice?
Yes, we do! With many sculptures, we start with a chainsaw and then use a progression of smaller power tools and chisels to shape and add more details to the sculpture. Gas chainsaws are a no-no in the freezers, so we mostly use much lighter electric chainsaws. In theory, we’d make lousy movie-style killers: we’d yank the cord out of the wall or trip over it once we started chasing you 😱 So you’re probably pretty safe from that. Although…in the last couple of years, battery chainsaws have gotten a lot better…so watch out! 😱😱
Is that ice?
Believe it or not, this is one of the most frequently asked questions about ice sculptures. And that’s one way that we know we’ve done a good job. Because they’re having a hard time believing that the sculpture before them is just frozen water! Usually, that’s when they decide to touch it to make sure 🙂
For more frequently asked questions about ice sculptures…
Got more questions? Check out this entry on one of our sister sites about more frequently asked questions about ice sculptures. SO many questions! 😆